What is a birth certificate and why is it essential?
A birth certificate is the most important identity document that makes it possible for anyone in possession of it to benefit from a gamut of services offered by the Indian government to its citizens.
It becomes necessary to obtain a birth certificate because it serves to establish the date and fact of one’s birth for a whole range of purposes, like acquiring the right to vote, admission to schools and to the government service, claiming the right to marry at the legally permissible age, settlement of inheritance and property rights, and obtaining government-issued identity documents like a driving licence or passport.
The legal framework in India, it is mandatory under the law (as per the registration of births & deaths act, 1969) to register every birth/stillbirth with the concerned state/ut government within 21 days of its occurrence.
The government accordingly has provided for a well-defined system for registration of birth, with the registrar general at the centre and the chief registrars in the states, running through district registrars to the village and town registrars at the periphery.

Service Areas
Birth certificate application in jamnagar
Birth certificate agents in jamnagar
Birth certificate jamnagar
Lawyers in jamnagar
Advocate in jamnagar