Full-service Law Firm in Jamnagar

A passion for the law. Demonstrated skill and experience. A thirst for justice. Total commitment to you and your case. These qualities are at the core of our firm’s culture, which differentiates us from others.

Our long experience in a wide range of criminal/civil/Revenue matters has helped us in developing skill in building evidence, explaining in Court every aspect of charge-sheet filed by Prosecution, refuting every charge/allegation made in the FIR and breaking the prosecution or defence case, as the case may be. We have developed a very unique and methodical approach while handling criminal cases…. Read More…
“It’s no secret that a strong trial advocate can bring a significant advantage to your case. When you work with our firm, you’ll benefit from the knowledge, expertise and tireless work ethic that we bring to the table.”
We provide

professional representation

in matters including:
  • Land Revenue Courts
  • Legal Documentation Related to Land Revenue
  • Cheque Bounce/Negotiable Act
  • Nativity Certificate
  • Property disputes and property maintenance

Why Us?

Together we make a better tomorrow and a promising future for you.
15 years of experience
15+ Years of Experience
Specialization in handling Criminal, Civil, Revenue, Custom, Port and Police matters.
15 years of experience
Complex Litigation
Handling Complex Litigation Cases from Litigation Services for Partition of Family Lands to Civil Litigation Matter.
Law Firm
Boutique Law Firm
Providing an expert legal advice and services to individuals or small businesses.
In-Depth Experience in Offering industry focued Advice on criminal, civil and Revenue matters.